Learn About Marigolds and Muertos October 26
Join Windsor Garden Club on Saturday, October 26 to learn about marigolds, and the role they play in the Dia de Muertos holiday in Mexico and Mexican American communities in the U.S. and elsewhere. Filmmaker and artist Malinalli López will give a short talk on the flower and its meaning in Mexico's culture and history at 11 AM in the Windsor Town Green Community Garden. López is a Sonoma State University professor and currently the president of the Windsor Unified School District. She's an adjunct professor in SSU's Chicano and Latino Studies Department.
The flowers used to celebrate the day are traditionally the Mexican Marigold--cempasúchil or cempaxotchitl, the professor explains. They are different than caléndulas, which look more like daisies. Her short talk will be understandable for children and their families as well as gardeners and flower enthusiasts.
The fun, informative talk is one of the highlights of Windsor Garden Club's Fall open house at the Town Green Community Garden, which runs from 10 AM to 1 PM that Saturday. The quarterly Open Garden hours are free; the garden is located at the corner of Windsor Road and Joe Rodota Drive in the Town Hall complex. The Oct. 26 Open Garden will include marigold-themed children's activities as well as Malinalli's talk, which is expected to run from 11 to 11:15 AM, followed by a short Q & A.
WGC will have gardeners available to answer any questions about growing marigolds at home -- or anything else at home! Come wander the organic garden and flower beds for inspiration for your own garden. Check out the rain harvesting and drip irrigation systems. Bring your questions for WGC's UC Master Gardeners.
Wander outside the fence to stroll WGC's Community Pollinator Garden. The new project, created by volunteers, spotlights plants that will attract and feed butterflies, bees, hummingbirds and other pollinators. Some are native California plants; others are not - but all are water-thrifty and beautiful. Check out the milkweed plants to see if you can spot any Monarch Butterflies; they also like the "Butterfly Bush" plantings in the garden. Learn about the Monarch Waystation Project. WGC and the Town of Windsor are encouraging residents to plant native milkweed for the Monarchs. It's the only plant they will lay eggs in and the only plant that can feed young Monarch caterpillars.
When you're done, you can head over to the Windsor Library or anywhere on the Town Green for lunch or a snack. Hope to see you there!
In case you're wondering: Windsor's fantastic El Dia de los Muertos celebration is on the actual Dia date this year: Saturday, November 2, from 3 to 8 PM on the Windsor Town Green. Find out more on the Somos Windsor Website.
Windsor Dia de los Muertos photo (c) by Teresa Mariani Hendrix, 2023. No re use without permission.