Landscaping for Wildfire Safety is Oct. 14 Speaker Topic
October marks two years since the Tubbs Fire swept down from the hills and burned homes in and around Santa Rosa. Many of our neighbors are now moving in to rebuilt houses -- and making choices about landscaping.
Master Gardener Dennis Przybycien of Sonoma will speak to WGC at our Oct. 14 meeting on "FireWise Landscape: What Can You Do Now?"
Some of you may remember Dennis from his earlier presentation to the club on growing grapes at home for wine or fun. This time he'll be speaking on common sense, do-it-yourself techniques to minimize the chance of wildland fires spreading through your landscaping and burning your home.
REMEMBER: WGC is now meeting at The Bluebird Center, 25 Bluebird Drive (corner of Bluebird and Old Redwood Highway, just west of the El Gallo Negro/Round Table Pizza shopping center). Meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. with refreshments and social time; presentation begins at 6:45 p.m.
Hope to see you there!