Love Flowers? Join Windsor's Slow Flower Group
If you love growing, arranging, smelling or working with flowers, the Windsor Garden Club has the group for you: the Slow Flower Group. The group meets monthly to talk about, learn, and work with all things flower on the First Sunday of each month, usually at the Town Green Community Garden, weather permitting. The group also sponsors periodic workshops for the larger club and general public. Topics include how to make wearable art like floral wreaths and corsages; how to make a holiday wreath; floral arranging and more. The Flower Power Details:
What: Windsor Garden Club Slow Flower Group workshop meetings. Windsor Garden Club member Mary Robledo of Flourish Floral Design usually leads the group with a demonstration, and then our members work to apply the technique demonstrated. When: 1st Sunday of the month from 10 a.m. til 12:30 p.m. Where: The Town Green Community Garden (and members' homes in inclement weather). Why: We love growing flowers and love learning about design. We get even more satisfaction from our gardens by bringing them indoors and engaging creatively with their beauty.
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